December 30, 2011

WoW, it has been forever, but i have some peeks

It has been forever since I posted anything here. November and December has just flown away  as they always do. In November I went back to Norway for a couple of weeks, my father i not doing well and I just had to go home and see him. After I got back here it has just been totally crazy. We had the opening of the new Norwegian church/center. where Crown princess Mette Marit of Norway was attending. Then between working for Paper Niche, Willy's products,  helping with catering and baking Kransekaker, creating just had to be put on the back burner

This is the kransekake I made for Crown Princess Mette Marits visit

Here is a few peeks from the January kit is yummy yummy and it was soooo good to play again


  1. Hei Gine :)
    Så leit å høre om faren din. Håper han er bedre......

    Så kos at dere har hatt besøk av Mette-Marit da du....og for en kransekake :) Artig ! Du og fiffen altså ;o)

    Håper alt står bra til med deg og dine og ønsker deg et riktig Godt Nytt År Gine.
    Håper du blir med i Scrappeland når tingene har roet seg :)


  2. Dejligt at du er tilbage på din blog.
    Flot kransekage. Dejligt at havde besøg af jeres kongehus.
    Du spurte på min blog om jeg kom til CHA igen her i januar. Nej, desværre jeg må blive hjemme.
    Rigtig godt nytår.


Thank You for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it and will answer you here as soon as I can if you have any question
Have a wonderful creative day =)