October 28, 2010

Paper Niche Design Team Call

Paper Niche Design Team Call
for the term January – June 2011
We are looking for new designers to join our design team, for a 6 month term beginning in January 2011.
Designers are required to:
*scrap our monthly kit {3 pages and 1 project or 4 pages}
*post sneak peeks of the kit on our blog and your blog ,
as well as on our facebook fan page
* 1 monthly inspiration posting or tutorial (pictures or video) on our blog
* Occassional inspiration pages for the store
*all projects must be dropped off to the store to be displayed
{If you are out of state we will pay for shipping to have them mailed}
All work will be returned

To apply please submit the following to scrapbooking@paperniche.com with DESIGN TEAM in the subject line. By November 21st 2010
*3 pages
*1 altered project
* A short bio, including any other Design Team positions past or current.
*Links to online galleries and blogs.

* Receive a gorgeous kit worth between $60-$75
Each monthly kit is handpicked and designed
by our design team coordinator, Gine.
Our kits are filled with the latest products from the most popular companies.
*Receive 20% OFF all scrapbooking items. In our physical store and online shop
*Receive free shipping on orders when shipped out with your monthly designer kit (if out of state)
*Receive one free crop a month (if local)


  1. Wow that is an awesome oportunity for anyone to apply for.
    Wish I lived in the area, I would be applying for sure.
    Those kits are so lovely.
    Would love to get my mitts into them LOL!!!

  2. Ååååååh - til de lekre pakkene da ♥

    Håpr alt står bra til -leeeenge siden :)

    Må det være nylagede tinger som skal sendes med søknad ?????


  3. Nei bare send det som viser stilen din =)
    Her er alt bra, alt går i 200 som alltid, spess nå før jul når det blir jobbing hos Willy ved siden av Paper Niche
    Håper alt er bra hos dere også


    Fairyrocks you do not have to be local =)


  4. Så var det denne da - helt glemt det jeg - får se litt på det kanskje.

    Aller mest innom for å ønske deg og dine en strålende dag og uke - miss u ♥


Thank You for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it and will answer you here as soon as I can if you have any question
Have a wonderful creative day =)