April 22, 2010

Paper roses tutorial

So Kristi and me had fun with the camera again...well Kristi with the camera and me with paper and ink. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions about the roses


  1. Hola! Great tutorial, movie star. Are you trying to kill me with the new kit?????????????????????????

  2. You are a movie stahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    Your tutorial rocked!!! Thank you so much for shring this wit us, you know how long I have been wanting to know your secret.

  3. Gine Thanks so much for sharing, you make it look so easy..Keep the tutorials coming!

  4. Thanks for sharing...again I have to say.. Amazing lady you work magic with paper

  5. tusen takk for denne demo av disse lekre rosene :)
    Dette skal jeg prøve meg på så fort jeg får tid.

    klem :)

  6. Åhh så fantastisk å få "se" deg Gine og du er sååå flink! Gleder meg til flere tutorials fra deg. Utrolig vakre blomster!!!


Thank You for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate it and will answer you here as soon as I can if you have any question
Have a wonderful creative day =)